This was sent to Dean Kantis, owner of LifeAfterLasik.comFrom: nicky ace [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 9:49 AM To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject: botched eye surgeryI too have a horror story to share.It all started in December 1996 in Las Vegas where I live . I went to see Dr. Kent Wellish to get my eyes checked because I needed glasses to drive and be able to see street signs . I had gone to see a eye doctor prior to him and was told my eyes were ok but needed glasses for distance.Unfortunately I had lost the prescription and decided to go see Wellish for another one.That's when my nightmare started!At the consultation he had two young medical students to assist him. When he got done checking my eyes he told me I had the same disease as Kirby Puckett and will go blind suddenly if I don't get the laser surgery within a few days.I knew I was in excellent physical shape and told him so but he did not pay attention and kept telling me about my blindness.He sounded so sure of his diagnosis and his two students agreed with him completely which made me agree to have it done.The laser surgery was a real botched job . I wasn't able to see clearly and my eye was hurting so much . He gave me some drops to put in my left eye several times a day but these eye drops were giving me such severe headache and nausea.When I went back for a follow up he said my eye developed cataract and he insisted on an artificial lenses implant to give me 20/ 20 vision AGAIN, I agreed and trusted him .... Big mistake!He's a real smooth talker and could convince anyone of anything with his cocky attitude.After the lenses implant he asked me if I can see him clearly ! I told him I can barely see anything because it felt as if a cloud was covering my eye and I could not distinguish any objects in the room.He then suggested I get yager surgery to take care of the clouds and then I will have 20/ 20 vision!I also agreed to the yager surgery.More eye drops to make me sick . When I went back to his office I went through the same routine."Can you see me now?" he asked."I see four of you but it's very blurry and everything seems like it's zoomed in and I cannot see far away. What are you gonna do now to get my vision back the way it was?"."Nothing" he said, "the surgery was a success"."I'm sorry things didn't work out for you but you have to realize I'm not GOD!""you mean this is it?, I asked him, "I'm gonna remain with this atrocious vision for good?""There's nothing more I can do Miss Short".He had implanted the wrong lenses in my eye but did not show any concern. He was only concerned to get me out of his office before I became hysterical and did not want the other patients to hear me complain about his fiasco. One of his students had to accompany me to my car because I was in such bad shape and the student kept saying how sorry she was about the whole thing as if she was the one who did it!In 1996 Dr, Wellish was trying to recruit volunteers to learn more on eye surgeries but could not find any. As a shrewd business man he found another way to lure patients to get surgery by using dishonest tactics and lies like he did me!I was one of his guinea pigs along with so many others. The operator room had so many patients and all were scared. Dr. Wellish believes in working in volume and rake in the dollars fast.He now has two offices in Las Vegas and getting very wealthy thanks to all the guinea pigs he ruined their lives to his benefit.I have gone to so many doctors since then, hoping my vision could be restored, but no such luck, they all told me my left eye was permanently damaged and nothing could be done.At least I know now he lied to me when he said I was gonna be completely blind. I still have my right eye and all I need is distance glasses. I would never recommend that charlatan to anyone, on the contrary, I tell people every chance I get to avoid that con artist.My horror story is being posted in several site to warn all new comers to Las Vegas and old time residents about the slick eye surgeons, mainly the infamous Kent Wellish!PS: I love your site, it's the best on the web.Keep up the great work ..... YOU CARE about people having their lives destroyed by these greedy doctors. That's the way it is in the great USA ..... it's all about money!Have a good day ..... I'll try do the same. Monica Short. Las Vegas, NV.